Current Version: Profex 5.4.1 - Released November 24, 2024
Text Tutorials
Text tutorials are published under the Creative Commons „Attribute – Non-commercial“ (BY-NC) license.

Installing the COD database
Learn how to install the COD database to search and download CIF files from within Profex. Continue…
Creating Instrument Configuration Files
This tutorial guides through the process of creating an instrument configuration file. Continue…
First Steps: Basic Refinement
This tutorial describes a basic refinement of a 3-phase dataset, as it is usually performed to identify and quantify the phase content. A raw data file is provided for download. Continue…
This tutorial demonstrates how to use BGMN’s concept of sub-phases to refine bimodal distributions of crystallite sizes due to overmilling. It also couples crystallite sizes and micro-strain of secondary phases to improve the stability and reliability of the refinement. Continue…
Converting CIF to STR files
If no BGMN structure file is available for a certain phase, it can be created from a CIF file. This tutorial shows how to use Profex to convert CIF files to BGMN *.str files. Continue…
Quantification of Amorphous Phases (Internal Standard Method)
Amorphous phases can be quantified from powder XRD data by adding a known quantity of a fully crystalline internal standard material. Instead of normalizing the sum of all refined phase quantities to 100%, phase quantities of samples with an internal standard can be scaled to absolute wt-%. This tutorial shows how to use Profex to compute absolute phase quantities and amorphous phase fractions. Continue…
Drawing Crystal Structures
Crystal structures of refined phases can easily be drawn as ball-and-stick or polyhedral graphs with the software Vesta. This tutorial shows how to export the data from Profex and how to import it to Vesta. Continue…
Refinement Presets
Refinement presets are a simple, effective, and safe way of using a standardized refinement strategy for reoccurring sample compositions. They reduce user input to just a few mouse clicks. This enables untrained personnel to run refinements set up by an expert without requiring to know about details of the refinement strategy. Continue…
Phase quantification using calibrated peak lists
Phases with an unknown crystal structure cannot be quantified by conventional Rietveld refinement. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a list of calibrated structure factors Fhkl, and how to combine it with a Rietveld refinement project to quantify phases of which only the space group, cell parameters, and a list of peak intensities / structure factors is known. Continue…
Processing datasets from the CheMin instrument on Mars
Profex was adapted for the processing of XRD datasets measured on Mars. Continue…